Cybersecurity – ANTIVIRUS SOFTWARE BRANDS In traditional and social media

Cybersecurity – ANTIVIRUS SOFTWARE BRANDS In traditional and social media

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Newton’s Media Analysis shortlisted for AMEC Awards

NEWTON Media was yet again shortlisted for the AMEC Awards for the best media analysis, entering with their research on the image of schizophrenia in the Czech media landscape. The winner of this year’s Awards will be announced in a few days during AMEC Global Summit 2019 happening in Prague. If successful, NEWTON will be winning for the 4th year in a row.


AI: People fear humanity’s extinction, media see an opportunity

Media present artificial intelligence and its possibilities as an opportunity, people usually express their doubts, considering it a threat and sometimes even an entity plotting with aliens to destroy our civilisation. Have a look at our analysis focusing on AI and technological innovations in Czech media.