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At the end of March, FIBEP held its Spring Summit in Athens. The association brings together companies working in media monitoring and communication measurement. This ...
The two-day FIBEP summit begins today in Athens. The Spring Summit is a new format launched by FIBEP in March this year that brings together three ...
Sustainable business is a rapidly growing trend in the global economy. According to Newton Media’s analysis, also the Czech media’s interest in ESG tripled during 2021, and it ...
All three highest constitutional officials gave their Christmas or New Year’s speech to the nation. The first to speak was President Miloš Zeman on December 26. ...
The topic of the third dose of COVID-19 vaccine resonates strongly in the media. While articles with positive sentiment towards vaccination dominate in the traditional ...
The AMEC Award, a worldwide competition of media analysts, announced the 2021 winners. The website, which is a joint project of the Faculty of Social Sciences ...
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