
Media archive includes continuously supplied data since 1996. With a few clicks, you transform data from the press, on-line sources, TV and radio broadcasting into a complex analysis or just a quick overview.

7 days trial

Try and test our NewtonOne archive for free. During your one week trial, you can use Entities and charts, save and monitor your queries, also in our mobile app NewtonOne. You will be able to display headlines, summaries and other metadata as well as a scan thumbnail of each print article. On-line articles will be provided with their original URL.
Should you wish to access the full texts of the articles or audiovisual files of broadcast mentions, you can purchase monthly subscription together with any of our article packages.
You don’t need to worry about when does your trial end, NewtonOne will automatically inform you how many days are left.

Monthly subscription

By purchasing a subscription, you gain access to NewtonOne archive application for 30 days. The archive reaches back as far as 1996, containing data from print and on-line sources as well as from TV and radio broadcasts. The price of your subscription depends on how far back in the history you want to explore.

You can use simple queries to get the relevant data as well as parameters which will help you with filtering the results. Another feature connected to NewtonOne archive is so-called „Entities“ that can provide the necessary context to your search results connecting them to people, places, companies etc. The articles are enriched with Entities from January 1st 2020, but we continuously process the Entities in real time and the articles will gradually contain Entities more into history.

Data in our archive are exportable together with their metadata such as publication date, source, author, reach or AVE.

Every month you can choose from history packages according to your needs. If you find out during the month that you need a longer history than you bought, you can upgrade to a higher package at any time. You will only pay the difference in price for the unused package. You can purchase packages of full text messages indefinitely during the month.

With NewtonOne archive 7 days trial subscription, you will be able to go through headlines, summaries and metadata of all articles and broadcasts mentions. Accessing their full text is charged separately as described in the next step.

Article packages

If you wish to read full texts of articles or access videos or audios of broadcast mentions, you should purchase one of the offered packages. NewtonOne will then automatically count the articles you viewed.
The packages offer the full text of almost 400 printed sources, complete transcripts of news from almost 90 television and radio stations. By purchasing the full text message package, you get access to a complete copy of the message, including multimedia data. The full text can be displayed by clicking on the message and is charged for each displayed message.

Articles from printed and some Internet sources published by Economia and Vltava Labe Media, daily newspapers and premium internet content are subject to licensing restrictions. After opening the detail of such a message, you will receive, in addition to the permitted part of the content, information that the entire content of the message cannot be displayed with regard to the current license conditions.

The display of these messages does not count towards the limit of the prepaid message package. 
If you would like to have the full text of the above sources in the archive, contact us at